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I had the opportunity recently to experience a baby squirrel up close and personal. A neighbor rescued the baby from certain death and brought it home to save its life. They had to go out of town and asked my husband and I to look after “Chip” for two weeks.
What an amazing experience, and so full of love and trust. It was not an accident I got to experience the magic of squirrel energy so intimately. It was the perfect time for me to discover something new and different about an animal I’d only ever seen at a distance; like so many of us, who barely pay them any attention at all as we rush about in our own daily lives.
I was deeply honored and now look at their message in a different light. Read on to learn more about them yourselves and appreciate their message when you see one running around your backyard!
“Hello there lIttle one!” My husband and I welcome a healing baby squirrel.
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When you sit and watch the squirrels in the park or running from tree to tree, they seem to not have a care in the world and are in perpetual play mode. However, we can learn many life lessons from this playful animal.
Many of the squirrel traits include:
· Practicality
· Resourcefulness
· Detachment
· Energetic
· Playfulness
· Perspective
You may be asking yourself, “Detachment?” Yet squirrels are very good at working tirelessly during the day and detaching from the day to rest and relax for the next day’s activity. So, how can you harness and instill many of these traits into your everyday life?
· Practicality
When you plan out your days it allows you to look at your schedule in a predictable way. Simply the act of planning out your day, month, year, and life can help you to achieve more and stave off stress.
· Resourcefulness
Life can throw you many challenges but by being resourceful you tend to find ways to handle any challenge that comes your way. Not only does this help you solve life’s small and large challenges it can also help you build confidence in yourself and your abilities. It allows you to also be better prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.
· Detachment
You can learn to detach from your workday by leaving work at the front door. Even if you work from home, you can detach as soon as you walk out of the room. When you learn to detach yourself from work, frustrations, and/or bad relationships it will help you let go and have more balance in your life. It will also ensure a better relationship with you animal companions.
· Energetic
What are you doing in the day to regain or keep your energy? Are you eating 3 meals a day? Are you getting up and taking regular breaks throughout the day? These are all things you can do to regain and keep your energy throughout the day.
· Playfulness
Notice how bouncy squirrels look as they scamper from branch to branch. Even though you may be an adult you are never too old to play. Swing on the swing in the park, play catch with your dog, play with the kids, play games after dinner. Are you taking your daily walk? How about trying out a few skipping steps! Rushing through your grocery shopping like it’s a burden? Give a quick listen to the “Muzak” always playing and dance the next few steps as you sashay down the aisle. Pure fun— that’s it. Remember to always take the time to add play into your day. As children do, when you laugh it sets off a sudden lightness in your spirit.
· Perspective Squirrels teach us to change or shift our perspective to see matters from a different view or angle. They remind us to not get stuck in the same routine or pattern, which can keep us stagnant. Time to try something new. Squirrels give us the ability to shift and change in all areas of our lives, and realize we are indeed wiser and more powerful than we acknowledge.
If you instill many of the above traits within your life, you can live a more stress-free, balanced, healthy life. But the key is learning to let go, being practical when solving issues as they arise, while living life to the fullest, and remembering toplay with the freedom of a child. Be flexible and open to trying a new approach in your life as well.
The next time you see squirrels racing from tree to tree, be thankful for all that they teach you.
Here’s to putting more play into your life as the squirrel does.
Carolyn Osborn
Discover a Natural Well-Being and Oneness within the Body, Mind and Spirit, that awaits you and your animal.
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We are pleased to introduce to you a groundbreaking new way to experience energy healing remotely (via Zoom) with our new series: Chiron Observer Effect • Group Energy Events.
We are all connected not just energetically, but quantumly through what’s known as “entanglement”. This means we are NOT separate even though physically it may appear so. This also explains how we are intrinsically connected with our animals on all levels as well.
LEARN MORE here about the benefits available to you and your animal in this series.
.Registration is open now with a generous introductory discount.
Upcoming dates and series subscription options have opened up as well.
You can secure special introductory discounts in 2024.
lf you have any questions I have not addressed here, or in the linked info about this opportunity, you are cordially welcome to reach out to me directly..
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A free resource for you:
Animals are often our closest companions. We invite you to use something unique we have just published; this very practical tool to help you discover if your animal has a message for you, or needs help. Take our Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Pet’s Alerts? it’s free. Learn more, and click to get it here.