Chiron Observer Effect:
Group Quantum Energy Event Series
What’s possible: How this benefits you and your animal.
Carolyn Osborn has been on the leading edge of working with animals and people through the exciting and effective tools of Energy Medicine, Animal Communication and Medical Intuition for over 12 years.
She is now bringing in the latest benefits of Quantum Mechanics to support these healing modalities and allow results to be amplified using the energetic dynamics of a Group Quantum Energy Event Series— The Chiron Observer Effect. By utilizing our entanglements (being related and connected) with our animals, and other people with their animals in similar situations, all the participants can experience and benefit from energetic shifts that are ready to take place.
Join her now for this groundbreaking experience. All animals, large and small, and their person are welcome.
We are in a new era, or maybe remembering a previous way of being, where we are starting to recognize that we are more powerful beings than we realize. We can create and influence our life, circumstances, and situation if we have the awareness and focus to do so.
I am sure you have heard of prayer circles and the power they have to influence the outcome of a person’s health, just by having large groups of people praying for that person.
Such circles rest in the same principle of being an active observer—energetically engaged— in a group setting. In this case, when a single surrogate pair (animal and person) are being worked on energetically, and you are observing that session, your intentions and healing thoughts contribute to the outcome of the session. This impact also radiates out to reach and affect everyone in the group who is observing. All participants, near or far, contribute to the result for the group.
The beauty of a group setting in this healing series for both you and your animal as a pair, is that whether you participate as an Observer or Surrogate, both your animal and you will take in the appropriate energetic healing that you need. Everyone benefits in their own way.
The group setting is a powerfully holistic way to experience energy medicine and gather a better understanding of and conscious connection with the process. It is important, and often comforting, to recognize that you and you animal are not the only ones going through a particular issue. Even with your unique circumstances, you can directly tap into energy healing discoveries which can be surprisingly powerful during and after each event. After the early part of the event, where work with the Surrogate occurs, there is a Q & A open to everyone before the event ends to help you better understand how it works, along with a highlighted theme that widens everyone’s access to your animal’s messages for you.
HEALTHY COMMUNICATION on all levels is a benefit between you, your pet, and your Higher Self to support the healing you both are seeking.
View upcoming dates and details for Chiron Observer Effect • Group Quantum Energy Event Series.
The Quantum Physics Energetic Aspect of this work
The Observer Effect is a term used in quantum mechanics (physics) to describe the effect an observer has on the quantum field— which is essentially the universe at large—in this case the group session.
As an Observer, your intent and how you focus on the session impacts its progress as it unfolds. The event actually begins when you declare your intention to attend. This proceeds through the time the group is assembled together to the completion of the session.
Your energy impacts the outcome of the session and beyond, and includes your energy, beliefs, emotions, and expectations.
Thank you for your interest in taking this first new step in the healing process for you and your animal!
““By being the Observer, you allow and give space for a deeper, longer lasting healing, and thus can experience compassion and love for yourself.” ”
While Carolyn Osborn can’t guarantee any specific results, and the information above does not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of services for any particular issue or problem, clients report having positive experiences.