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Results with The Emotion Code®

SHARING In their own words...


life changing in the right direction!

“My Emotion Code sessions with Carolyn have been absolutely life changing in the right direction!

This felt like the missing part of my healing journey and Carolyn’s powerful intuitive healing was extremely accurate and descriptive! It is truly one of the most wonderful healing events in my life and I feel renewed and healed in my heart and emotions.

My body is functioning better as a whole and my energy levels are greatly improved. So grateful to work with the incredible Carolyn!”

— Stephanie G.

Los Angeles has just experienced apocalyptic fires, and my entire community is disrupted in every way. The emotional magnitude of it really impacted me… I'm grateful for Carolyn's support, caring attitude,and love. I highly recommend her emotion code sessions.

“I had two Emotion Code sessions with Carolyn Osborn.

During the first session I worked through emotions that I was carrying from my family, particularly my father and my stepmother. I felt much better after doing the work with her. And recognizing the emotions that I was holding on to helped me interact during difficult situations with them.

During our second session, I went from describing my emotional upset as a 9.5 on a scale of 1 to 10 at the beginning, and down to a 3 by the end of it. Los Angeles has just experienced apocalyptic fires, and my entire community is disrupted in every way. The emotional magnitude of it really impacted me. My husband works for homeowners with their insurance policies, taking on all that goes with the loss of a home. Helping clear my emotions will allow me to be more available to support him in this intense time.

I'm grateful for Carolyn's support, caring attitude, and love. I highly recommend her emotion code sessions!!”

— Gretchen W.

If you are feeling any anxiety about what is happening in California and have been affected in any way…

“This is my friend Carolyn; she is amazing and has helped me and my dogs in so many ways.

If you are feeling any anxiety about what is happening in California and have been affected in any way, please take her up on her offer.

I spoke to her earlier this week for a session about past emotional drama. When we started, my chest felt heavy with emotions, at about an 8, and after our session, it dropped to a 3. Today, that feeling I had in my chest is gone.

We talked today as a follow-up, and my anxiety symptoms changed with all these fires. She asked how I was feeling, which was a loaded question. I feel like I’m jumping out of my skin with anxiety for what people are going through, partly because I am also an empath and can feel other people's emotions.

After talking and with Carolyn doing what she does, I feel so much better.

Give it a try and let her help you deal with what is happening..”

— Gale R.

I feel so much lighter in my step, and my mind and heart are more open to new possibilitieS.

"A lot of times we don't realize how much someone can help until they do. I had the distinct pleasure of participating in the Emotion Code with Carolyn Osborn and feel like a weight has lifted. Without going into too much detail, I've had issues in the past that have caused me to have a heavy weight on my heart and soul.

However, I had thought I had taken care of this long ago until I had an Emotion Code session with Carolyn. I feel so much lighter in my step, and my mind and heart are more open to new possibilities. If you feel run down and simply not yourself, I highly recommend you give Carolyn's Emotion Code a try. Trust me, you will feel like a whole new you." ”

— Katrina G.

When I first got Sarah [my horse] she had a very positive attitude and was always so happy to see me. But recently she had been acting more defensiveLY…

“I had the opportunity to work with Carolyn using both the Emotion Code and Animal Communication sessions for both me and my horse Sarah.

My first session was geared to be general in nature.  She touched on various emotions, many of which were subconscious but recognizable, and released them.She checked in with me about how I was feeling emotionally before and after the session.

She then worked on my horse Sarah.   

Some background on Sarah.  She was born in Sweden, had a good basis in dressage, then emigrated to Germany where she competed as an FEI level jumper at ages 5 and 6. She was then purchased at age 7 by a trainer and brought to Napa Valley, CA as a project/resale horse. I purchased her when she was 8. I have had Sarah for over 6 years now and she is my heart horse. I compete with her in dressage and we have really bonded. 

When I first got Sarah she had a very positive attitude and was always so happy to see me. But recently she had been acting more defensively.

In Carolyn’s initial session with her, Sarah indicated that she enjoyed working with me but definitely had some deep emotions that had developed both from her time before me and with me. Some of the emotions she was feeling included:

Defensiveness and panic from around age 7 - assuming this had to do with the move from Germany to California

Hatred - that it took me so long to understand how much pain she was in from her tooth.

Overwhelmed - from the time I bought her. When horses move barns, they are put into a completely new environment without any warning. But I also remembered that when I picked her up I had to pick her up from a barn that she had been evacuated to because of fires in Napa.

Other emotions included wishy-washy, low self-esteem, and nervousness.

I am happy to say that we are both in a much better place now.  I can tell that Sarah is getting back to her old self. She is not exhibiting any of the defensive behaviors she had previously and seems much happier in her body and in her soul. I am also doing much better emotionally. I make a point to tell her that I am grateful for her carrying me in so many ways, but also that she is not responsible for taking on all my crap, that I am now working on me.  

Thank you, Carolyn. Not only have you helped us tremendously, but it was great to have a chance to work on so many avenues with Sarah and me. I learned a lot and am forever grateful for the patience and care you gave us both.”

— Dorothy W.

To prepare for my first emotion code session, I emptied my mind oF EXPECTATIONS, which was the best thing I could've done…

I am a great believer in the power of surrender as a path to healing.

The session proceeded in a way that was simple, clear, relaxed, and amazingly accelerated in the pace at which healing openings became present. Carolyn is masterful at navigating complex patterns of energy in order to tune in precisely to what wants to be released and allowing it to be released through her work.

While my sweet cats have all gone over the rainbow bridge, they were present energetically in the most gentle way; and this felt quite natural as the sessions proceeded. What a wonderful surprise.

After the first, and each subsequent session, I have felt a lightened effect on my energy and even my physical, emotional, and mental presence. Traumas that had long since burrowed into my subconscious were able to surface and shift in very helpful ways, bringing new ease from within. I am a grateful fan of this new offering of The Emotion Code that Carolyn is making available.”

— Belle W.

Carolyn Osborn was able to pinpoint timelines when negative thoughts creating deep wounds appeared… I am very grateful.

“I received three Chiron Emotion Code Heart Wall sessions that were very helpful. Carolyn Osborn was able to pinpoint timelines when negative thoughts creating deep wounds appeared. She is gifted in helping release and heal these old trauma wounds in my mind/body. I am very grateful.”

— Elizabeth HS K

While Carolyn Osborn can’t guarantee any specific results, and any testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of services for any particular issue or problem, clients report having positive experiences.