Life is a series of interconnected events, much like a line of dominoes. One action can set off a chain reaction, leading to a cascade of outcomes that shape your experiences. When you recognize the domino effect in your life it can help you make better choices and actions that can influence the bigger picture. Carolyn Osborn writes about the enerrgy dominso that you can casade to your benefit.
Navigating Survivor's Guilt with Acceptance to Move Forward
Survivor’s guilt can be complex and often an overwhelming emotion experienced by those who have survived a traumatic event while others have not. It is important to recognize that these emotions are a natural response to trauma and that there are ways to acknowledge and accept this guilt yet move forward. Carolyn shares how to find a path to healing.
What The House Cat Can Teach You About Life
The curious, mystic and mysterious house cat can teach us a lot about life. THat justs begins explain why so many cultures over the centuries have cats to goddess stature. Carolyn Osborn traces the rich symbolism of feline magnetism, and the many opposite characteristics residing within a cat’s energy signature. Cats have many lessons to impart to us, and they know it!
Embracing Life's Changes by Going with the Flow
How to Listen to the Universe and Embrace the Shifts in Life
Life always has a way of nudging you in directions you might not always be ready for. Nudges often come from the universe, signaling that it's time for a change. Whether it's a career shift, a move to a new city, or a personal transformation. Carolyn Osborn shares 2 critical skills needed for such moments, with practical tips on how to mange them well.
Following The Spiritual Journey of the Penguin and Learning How to Harness Their Strengths
Embracing Change for both you and your pets
When you experience change, so too does your pet. They feel your emotional state and mindset. They can visually see you are in distress. This is why your pet can be your number one champion during challenging times of change. Carolyn shares a short list of simple and rlelaxing ways to benefit both yourself and your pet. Enjoy!.
A Transformation Journey by Embracing the Phoenix
The Phoenix is a mythical bird known for rising from the ashes symbolizing rebirth, transformation, and renewal. This bird has captivated many cultures as well as many unique spiritual meanings. Carolyn Osborn highlights its spiritual meaning and sense of prupose across the eons that this creature has been revered beginning with ancient cultures.