Clean the cobwebs for a better mindset.

This month we celebrate Proactivity, Prevention, and Practice, which are three Principles that help us live a balanced, healthy life. This lays the foundation of using Chiron Energy Medicine in daily living.

For some of us, learning to raise awareness of the invisible energy within the physical world takes some getting used to. Starting today, for 3 weeks our blogs can serve as a reminder to think about and consider the energy within in our physical lives, —actions and inactions— and how best to use it.

(In fact, those of us who have animals in our home, often don’t notice how much they are tracking our well-being and want to let you know they see something that is holding you back. Don’t forget to pay attention to their signals and behavioral changes, too! That’s what our Tandem Healing helps you access.)

Let’s focus today on Prevention - the perfect energy for building healthy energy!

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The cobwebs of your mind can get messy, especially if you hold onto things such as:

  • emotions,

  • lost opportunities,

  • conversations,

  • feelings,

  • The past and old energies

  • Energy-draining beliefs.

Science has proven that our brains can only handle a certain amount of information at any given time. So, when you concentrate on negative thoughts, and self-defeating judgments that have pushed out self-care, it doesn’t give your brain room to move from the negative thoughts into positive thoughts unless you take the time to stop. What exactly does this mean? Let’s break it down with this example.

Your day was going along splendidly until you had a conversation with your boss. You find out that someone who has been at the company for less time and has less experience has received the promotion you were hoping would be your promotion. Now all you can think about is the promotion you didn’t get. Because your brain is concentrating on this conversation your emotions begin to rise, you find yourself short with anyone you encounter, and you even start thinking about looking for another job. Yet even that feels impossible, a futile effort not worth making, because you believe you’re simply “not good enough.”

This is a perfect example of how one thought can overtake your mindset and emotions. This is what we call the cobwebs of your mind as the spider web of emotions, defeatist energy, and negative thoughts starts to weave thicker and thicker in your mind. Soon you begin to miss the opportunities that are right in front of you because this spider web is taking over.

Here’s how you stop the conversations from becoming cobwebs in your mind.

  • As soon as the triggering conversation has stopped, or you notice the emotions and draining energy taking over, go to a quiet place and start writing out all the things that are coming up in your mind.

    • Hurt.

    • Distrust.

    • Time to look for a new job - or a desire to give in to self-defeat.

    • Whatever comes to mind.

  • Now take a moment to breathe deeply. In and out. Concentrate only on your breathing. Keep breathing in and out until you feel yourself relax.

  • Ground yourself through your feet or Root Chakra, releasing and letting go of all the negative energies back to Mother Earth.

  • Next repeat to yourself, “This has opened me up to something even better.”

With anything that brings up emotions, disorienting and confusing energies, or negative thoughts, you want to practice the above steps to prevent unhealthy energy patterns from getting stuck in your self-image and taking over your awareness. This will not only help stop the web building of negativity in your mind and old beliefs, but will naturally help clear out the negative patterns you tend to go to when something happens that is not in your favor. This will help open up trust in yourself, leaving more room for positive energy, beliefs, and thoughts to enter.

Think of it this way, this preventative habit can take hold: out with the negative thoughts in with the positive thoughts and new energies. This is better known as cleaning the cobwebs in your mind to a better and healthier mindset. One of positivity and opportunities.

Here's to cleaning house in your mind for better possibilities.

Carolyn Osborn

Discover the deep healing and connection, and the relief and freedom that await you, and your animal, with Chiron Energy Medicine.

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P.S. Our newest program has been announced and is featured right on our website homepage or in our sessions menu: Chiron Mirror Sessions • Tandem Healing for You and Your Animal. It is designed to help you discover the deep healing that awaits you and your animal when you are guided to release unwanted behaviors and unconscious wounds and patterns of suppressed emotions and traumas that trigger dis-ease or illness if left unattended.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.

Have some questions? You may also request an Introductory Consultation here.