How to spring clean your life

This month we celebrate Proactivity, Prevention, and Practice, which are three Principles that help us live a balanced, healthy life. This lays the foundation of using Chiron Energy Medicine in daily living.

For some of us, learning to raise awareness of the invisible energy within the physical world takes some getting used to. Starting today, for 3 weeks our blogs can serve as a reminder to think about and consider the energy within in our physical lives, —actions and inactions— and how best to use it.

(In fact, those of us who have animals in our home, often don’t notice how much they are tracking our well-being and want to let you know they see something that is holding you back. Don’t forget to pay attention to their signals and behavioral changes, too! That’s what our Tandem Healing helps you access.)

Let’s begin today with Proactivity - the perfect energy for Spring Cleaning!

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When you think of spring cleaning, do you think about cleaning out your closet or thoroughly cleaning the house? But when was the last time you thought about spring cleaning your life physically and energetically? And exactly what would that entail?

Think about all the things in your life that aren’t working.

  • People or relationships that are tearing you down.

  • Negative thoughts that are stopping you from achieving more.

  • Bad habits that are not helping you get healthy or stay healthy.

  • Emotions that you’ve been holding onto that are festering into health issues.

  • Energy and belief systems that are habitual, but may not serve you to move forward.

Many of these can all be traced back to emotions that you haven’t released, such as old hurts, guilt, or childhood memories. All of these can hold you back and stifle your growth. When you hold onto these emotions and past energy patterns, you allow them to possibly ruin your life. They start as a small pebble of a thought and then begin to grow. As these emotions and beliefs begin to grow bigger and bigger, you start to lose yourself. Your self-worth, confidence, and ability to see new possibilities. But there is a way of clearing the emotions and energy patterns from your mind and heart by following these 5 steps.

  1. Write down every feeling you are going through right now and where you believe these feelings are coming from. An old relationship, childhood memory, or trauma you may have experienced.

  2. Take a moment to close your eyes and imagine these emotions and ideas as balloons. With each one, you see it flying out of your heart and mind up into the sky higher and higher until it disappears. Repeat this process as often as needed to truly let these emotions go.

  3. Take that same list of emotions and expectations and replace it with a positive feeling. For example, hurt is replaced with healing. Guilt is replaced with self-respect. Lack of self-worth is replaced with confidence, etc. (If this is a difficult one for you to capture, try looking up the opposite of each word on Google.)

  4. Start to replace each negative thought with a positive one. You may want to write these down to help you truly see them and say them out loud.

  5. Get some assistance from an Energy Medicine Practitioner to help facilitate your energy clearings and start healthier patterns.

  6. Start from the beginning and repeat as often as needed until you have truly let go.

When you clean out your heart and mind of old emotions, beliefs and negative thoughts you allow more potential to enter your life. Many times, negative thoughts and energies can shut you down not allowing you to see the possibilities that are many times right in front of you. By cleaning out your heart and mind of these past emotions and beliefs you free yourself up for a much healthier, energetically balanced, and happier life.

You can do it! All you have to do is get started.

Here’s to cleaning out the old emotions for new possibilities.

Carolyn Osborn

Discover the deep healing and connection, and the relief and freedom that await you, and your animal, with Chiron Energy Medicine.

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P.S. Our newest program has been announced and is featured right on our website homepage or in our sessions menu: Chiron Mirror Sessions • Tandem Healing for You and Your Animal. It is designed to help you discover the deep healing that awaits you and your animal when you are guided to release unwanted behaviors and unconscious wounds and patterns of suppressed emotions and traumas that trigger dis-ease or illness if left unattended.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.

Have some questions? You may also request an Introductory Consultation here.