How to make those new routines stick

This month we’ve been celebrating Proactivity, Prevention, and Practice, which are three Principles that help us live a balanced, healthy life. This has given you the refreshing foundation of using Chiron Energy Medicine in daily living.

Now it’s time for a bonus post! You’ve been Spring Cleaning your energy, and now its time for a bonus reward for all your terrific openings! We might even call it Practice, Part Two!

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You’ve been promising yourself to get that routine in place. Trying to make it stick. But then the car breaks down, the kids need to go to the doctor, the project that was due on Thursday is due today, and you haven’t even had time to go shopping let alone try to get a new routine in place or even follow it.

No matter what you do, life seems to happen making your well-laid plans simply go out the window. However, this is one of the reasons you want to put a routine— a practice— in place, as this allows you to plan for the unexpected and still get everything done.

But when you start looking at a routine that will work for you, your pet(s) and your family, you want to consider the following:

  • Write it down and have it noted in a visible place for the whole family to see.

  • Ensure it’s easy to implement for the whole family, and don’t forget those wonderful animals that may be part of your family. They thrive on healthy routines too, but they need to know how they can help you with them, in their own way.

  • Give yourself flexibility for those times when unexpected things come up.

  • Test out your new routine so that you can change it accordingly. Make sure your inner energy is tuning in and aligned with your goals. If not, meditating a bit on what needs your attention for balance will prevent being at odds, and let you proceed in a healthy way.

Now that you have the idea of how to create a routine, the key is how to keep it in place and run smoothly throughout the day. Keep in mind that there will be pushbacks, but with anything new, it will take some time to get used to and work out the kinks. That’s the beauty of repetition— it’d practice! There are many things you can put in place to help you and your family stay on task and keep that routine in place. Here are 6 sure-fire was to boost your success:

  • Schedule your routine on your calendar. Whether that be through Google, Outlook, or Apple calendar apps. These can help you view your day and know what to expect.

  • Ensure you pad your calendar with 15 – 30 minutes in between allowing for those unexpected long meetings, traffic, or for those last-minute stops by the store.

  • You can also use list apps to help you stay on task. Such as Keep, Google Tasks, or Microsoft To Do.

  • For those who don’t like technology, I recommend carrying a planner with you. You can pick these up for very little cost at your local Walmart, Office Depot, Target, or Dollar Store.

  • Build in some free, unstructured time for self-care. You need it to stay well, and you need it to replenish your energy reserves.

  • Remember to be adaptable, so you can still fit everything in, but maybe in a different order. Also set your intention first thing in the morning to set up success energetically.

Pay attention to whatever works for you to keep your routine at hand all day— so that you know at any given moment what to expect, or what needs adjustment on a practical level, or when you deserve some self-acknowledgment for achieving a victory of any kind.

Routines — and practicing them— are meant to keep you organized and able to get more done as you continue to make them your daily habit. Not only does this type of structure help you stay on task, it’s good for your mental health as well. When you have a plan, it helps stave off much of the stress as you are better prepared for the day. You will be less inclined to misuse your energy and can keep your reserves topped up naturally.

Here's to finding a routine that works for you.

Carolyn Osborn

Discover the deep healing and connection, and the relief and freedom that await you, and your animal, with Chiron Energy Medicine.

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P.S. Our newest program has been announced and is featured right on our website homepage or in our sessions menu: Chiron Mirror Sessions • Tandem Healing for You and Your Animal. It is designed to help you discover the deep healing that awaits you and your animal when you are guided to release unwanted behaviors and unconscious wounds and patterns of suppressed emotions and traumas that trigger dis-ease or illness if left unattended.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.

Have some questions? You may also request an Introductory Consultation here.