How do we get back to the basics of life?

Even though many scientists have invented many things to help make our lives easier, it doesn’t always mean they are in the best interests of our minds and bodies. Humans weren’t meant to live in shoes all the time, sit all day, or utilize our brains so much. We were meant to run barefoot through the trees, converse with each other, find shelter when needed, and gather around a fire to celebrate the day. Granted, we have evolved since then, but many of the things we have put in place have caused more health issues than ever before.

  • Diabetes

  • Heart conditions

  • Cancer

  • High blood pressure

  • (And we even develop back problems as we age due to shoes that put real stress on our spines)

So, if we’ve made our world easier why are we beginning to see more health issues? I believe it could be:

  • We are working harder instead of smarter.

  • We are emotionally overwhelmed and exhausted

  • We are not taking the time to go outside for a walk or to relax and allow nature’s sounds to soothe us.

  • We are spending more time on our computers, TVs, and phones instead of conversing with the ones we love.

  • We drive everywhere instead of walking or biking.

  • We aren’t eating as well as we used to with fast food on every block.

Our bodies are not meant to be sedentary. We are meant to move around and take mental breaks. But how many of you do this? We aren’t meant to eat byproducts and highly processed food filled with fillers and sugar. Our brains are not meant to be on all the time. We aren’t meant to go go-go all the time.

With all this said, how do we get back to the basics for a healthier and more joyful life?

  • Put the electronics away and read a book instead, draw, or write.

  • Ensure you put the electronics away at least two hours before bedtime.

  • Take more breaks throughout the day to go outside and take a 15-minute mental break.

  • Go for walks, even if it means simply walking around the block a couple of times.

  • Try to cook more and go out to eat less. Not only will it save you money, but it will also be better for your overall health.

  • Meditate more

  • Talk to your friends in person or by phone – no texting!

However, it’s up to you to get out there and move more, put the electronics away, and take those mental breaks. Try setting a timer to remind you it’s time to take a break, go eat a healthy lunch, and put the electronics away two hours before bed. When you put these habits in place you get more sleep, feel more rested, and get more done.

Here’s to a life filled with mental breaks and more movement.

Carolyn Osborn

Discover the deep healing and connection, and the relief and freedom that await you, and your animal, with Chiron Energy Medicine.

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P.S. Our newest program has been announced and is featured right on our website homepage or in our sessions menu: Chiron Mirror Sessions • Tandem Healing for You and Your Animal. It is designed to help you discover the deep healing that awaits you and your animal when you are guided to release unwanted behaviors and unconscious wounds and patterns of suppressed emotions and traumas that trigger dis-ease or illness if left unattended.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.

Have some questions? You may also request an Introductory Consultation here.