Do you ever wonder why some people grate on your nerves more than others?

This is what they call the mirror effect, where only those who drive you crazy are the ones with traits you exhibit or traits you have not dealt with very well.

This may sound like the most insane thing to say, but think about why this irritating person drives you nuts

  • Do they talk about themselves all the time?

  • Do they interrupt constantly?

  • Do they talk over you all the time?

  • No matter what you say, do they always bring the conversation back to them?

  • Are they needy?

Have you heard others say the same thing about you? This is why they call it the mirror effect. It may sound crass, but think about the traits of those you don’t like. It is a trait we know we have but want to change, or maybe it’s a trait we don’t even see in ourselves, but others do. Think about how you feel when you are around these people. Do you feel small, uncomfortable, or belittled? 

Do you feel your energy and sense of balance draining away?

When we are around people that drive us crazy, many times the personality traits they exhibit are the ones that are at the top of our list of pet peeves. Haven’t you ever found that when you speak with a friend or family member, and tell them how this person drives you crazy because they [you fill in the behavior you don’t like here] and you see them give you that look. You know, the one where their eyes are telling you that they don’t understand why this bugs you when you do it all the time. Thus, the mirror effect.

If we look at the behavior that we don’t like, we need to investigate the why behind it.

It could be something your mother does— or your sister— that you swear you will never do. Yet, we are the last to know that we are exhibiting the behavior we are trying to avoid.

Essentially the mirror effect is how we see things inwardly reflecting back to us outwardly which is our inner perception of ourselves. This is why so many have such an aversion when they come across people who exhibit the same behaviors, we see in ourselves. It is also one of the reasons why we have such a hard time dealing with these people. They are showing us the worst aspects and beliefs we have about ourselves. 

Maybe it’s time to really look at the characteristics of these people that bother us the most and why.

Even though we may not see these in ourselves, it may be time to face them head on. Energy Medicine can help you release these self-perceptions of yourself that are no longer serving you. You will no longer unconsciously hold patterns or beliefs in place that rob you of healthy energy. Once you can let go of these patterns, the same people who bothered you before will become obsolete, as their behaviors are no longer an issue for you, because you’ve dealt with your own self-doubts and have moved past them.

Need some help along the path to becoming a better you? Get in contact with Carolyn Osborn to find out how Chiron Energy Medicine help you.

Here’s to your self-worth.

Carolyn Osborn

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P.S. Our newest program Healing and the New Normal is designed to support you being able to move forward during these stressful times.

You can also gain knowledge about how energy medicine and intuitive messages can help us recognize and adjust to changes that are affecting us, as well as our animals. Even when we may not recognize it— there are messages your dogs, cats, horses and other pets wish they could tell you directly—as they seek to give you loving help. Chiron Energy Medicine offers several options.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and our equine and performance sessions or packages here.

You may request an Introductory Consultation here.