Have You Figured Out What Your New Normal is Yet?

Still a loaded question? Especially when we hear, “Everything is open… no wait… cases are on the rise… put your mask back on.”

Some of you out there are likely ready to move out of your state or possibly the country, but then where would you go? COVID is not simply a US issue it’s a global issue. I realize that so many of you want your old normal back, but how when the playing field keeps changing? This is an ongoing question many families are dealing with. I’m sure you are as well. How do you cope? Here are few things you may want to consider:

  1. How does your new normal differ from your current normal? What are the things that have changed?

  2. What changes do you like and would like to implement permanently?

  3. What changes are not working for you right now? How can you change these?

  4. Are many of these changes in your control or not?

  5. How can you take control of your mental and physical wellbeing so you are better able to better handle all of the changes in your life?

I believe our new normal is adaptability. As with many of our ancestors, we need to be flexible and willing to change. Whether that be our situation, living environment, health/self-care, or daily duties. It can help us to find that new normal, whatever that may be, by having an open mind. As we have all come to learn in the past year and a half is that anything is possible. Anything. 

  • Look at all the companies out there that originally said no to working from home and now look at all the employee’s still working from home.

  • Look at how many of us have come together as a nation or community to help those in need when just a few months ago all we saw was strife and division.

Adaptability is ingrained and woven into our DNA. When you think about what our parents had to go through in their lives to overcome change, our grandparents, great grandparents, or great, great grandparents. They had to adapt to each situation, and when they refused to do so is when many paid the price with their lives, finances, and/or living situations.

  • It’s up to us what that new normal will be.

  • It’s up to us to find what works and what doesn’t.

  • It’s up to us to make the necessary changes to find that life balance.

Once you have your list of things you like and don’t like, now you have an idea of what you want your new normal to be. Will this possibly change? Absolutely, but if we didn’t have change in our lives, we would never grow. We and our lives would become stagnant. I say we embrace these changes and adjust as we go.

One of the best ways to take charge and make these changes in your life is to start with some Energy Medicine sessions that can address all of these issues, clear them, and give your mind and body the strength and adaptability to create your healthier new normal. Remember, it’s not about the end game it’s about the ride along the way. This is where we grow as individuals helping us become stronger units within the family dynamics.

Here’s to your growth.

Carolyn Osborn

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P.S. You can gain knowledge about how energy medicine and intuitive messages can help us recognize and adjust to changes that are affecting us, as well as our animals. Even when we may not recognize it— there are messages your dogs, cats, horses and other pets wish they could tell you directly—as they seek to give you loving help. Chiron Energy Medicine offers several options.

See or learn more about the details of our programs and packages for animals here and details of our programs, and packages for people here.

You may request an Introductory Consultation here.