How Did You Change During COVID?

CEM June 2021 Blog - How did you change during COVID.png

An article came out recently speaking about the Michelangelo effect, where there were three predominant things people looked at both during and moving forward on how COVID has affected their personality.

Many found that friends or personality traits that served them well before was no longer the case, and the deeper they went within, the more profound changes they found.

Let’s review the three top things they found that helped people decipher what was working and what was not.

  1. Likes and Dislikes: Pull together two lists, one pre-pandemic and one pandemic. In each of these lists note a “Like” and “Dislike” section, being as honest with yourself as possible. These lists are meant to reflect on what worked for you and what didn’t during each stage.

  2. Leave Behind Those Things That are Not Serving You Well: Based on the two lists you created, decide on the things you want to leave behind. These could be routines that is no longer a good option for you, or possibly toxic friends that you have come to realize only brought you down and never supported you. This is the time to purge.

  3. What I Like and Want to Keep: This is based on the things that worked for you pre- and post-pandemic. If these resonate with you, by all means, keep them in place.

Many people have gone through several emotions, upheaval, enlightenment, or aha moments during this past year, but however way you look at it this was a good time to reflect on our lives.

It gave us all an opportunity to look at ourselves and our lives in general. Due to this realization, many have moved to different states that they never would have thought of doing before. Others have gotten much closer to family and friends that they found they could rely on when it got tough to cope.

Others have let go of friendships that they realized simply did not work for them, or found that once they had time to get distance, they realized how toxic they were. 

In a sense, this was a perfect time to allow us all to reflect on our dreams, our living situations, our goals, our lives.

I truly believe this time off from the world was a gift for many of us to really see what matters, and Energy Medicine can help you purge your old beliefs allowing you to re-integrate yourself for a much healthier mindset. 

Here’s to your continued health.

Carolyn Osborn

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P.S. To gain knowledge about energy medicine, as well how to use use it post-Covid you may ask any question you may have or request an Introductory Consultation here.

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P.S. Our newest program Healing and the New Normal is designed to support you being able to move forward during these stressful times.

You can also gain knowledge about how energy medicine and intuitive messages can help us recognize and adjust to changes that are affecting us, as well as our animals. Even when we may not recognize it— there are messages your dogs, cats, horses and other pets wish they could tell you directly—as they seek to give you loving help. Chiron Energy Medicine offers several options.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.