Tips When Hiking with Senior Pets

CEM May 2021 blog - Tips When Hiking with Senior Pets.png

Many people love to get out and hike with their pets, and have been doing so for quite some time. But there comes a time when our pets begin to age that we must be more conscious of their needs as they grow older.

This doesn’t mean you can’t go hiking anymore or do physical activities. It simply means you adjust a few things to help them enjoy the trek as much as you.

Here a few key things to keep in mind:

  • Slowing Down: As your pet gets older they can’t take the trails with the same gusto as when they were young. Keep a watchful eye on their pace and take it easy on them by stopping frequently to give them breaks and time to rest.

  • Time of The Day: It’s always best to go hiking either in the early morning hours or later on when the heat has subsided a bit. You don’t want to over-exhaust your senior pet with too much exertion in the heat of the day.

  • Plenty of Liquids: As with you, your pet must get plenty of water to help them make the trek. You may even think about putting ice cubes in the water containers or bringing extra bottles of water to help quench their thirst.

Before you go, see how your pet is feeling that day. If they are having a really hard time walking, it may be time to go solo on your favorite hike. Even though you still feel spry and ready to conquer the hill, doesn’t mean they are. By paying attention to how they feel that day, will make the outing a more enjoyable one for everyone.

Remember, your pet would love to follow you to the ends of the earth, even with aching bones or arthritis, but it’s up to us to care enough and know when it may be time for them to simply stay home and rest.

Here’s to the health of your pet.

Carolyn Osborn

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P.S. Our newest program Healing and the New Normal is designed to support you being able to move forward during these stressful times.

You can also gain knowledge about how energy medicine and intuitive messages can help us recognize and adjust to changes that are affecting us, as well as our animals. Even when we may not recognize it— there are messages your dogs, cats, horses and other pets wish they could tell you directly—as they seek to give you loving help. Chiron Energy Medicine offers several options.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.

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