The Yin and Yang of Life and How it Can Help Us Get Through Tough Times

CEM June 2021 Blog - The Ying and Yang of Life and How it Can Help Us Get Through Tough Times.png

You’ve heard it said before, “You have to experience the bad before you can experience the good.” This is what they refer to as the Ying and the Yang of life. We all go through it, yet how can we have a more positive life without having to experience the negative? Scientifically, we really can’t, but we can change the outcomes. 

Even though life may throw us challenges, many of these we can get past quite easily. However, there are those challenges that can muddy the water and make it difficult to see the light at the other end of the tunnel. It’s during these times where the real challenges come into play. We know we can get past it, but it just seems so daunting and difficult at the time.

But there are a few ways to help you with each life challenge, big or small.

  1. Depending on the circumstance you may need to take a few steps back to move forward. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to dissect it, just simply breathe and let it lie.

  2. Take some time to feel it, but don’t give in to becoming a victim as this will only keep you stagnant and unable to move forward.

  3. Realize that with every challenge there is a lesson to be learned. You may not see it now, but when you are ready it will become clear.

  4. Look at the situation as a growth opportunity and make the necessary changes.

  5. Know that it will get better, but you may have to make hard decisions and changes to get to a more positive place.

  6. Meditate and journal to allow you to let it go and move forward.

  7. Look to Energy Medicine to help you release the bad allowing you to have room for the good.

We can’t always control what life throws at us, but we can certainly control the outcome and how it affects us. By utilizing some of the above you can work through anything. Remember, what may seem hopeless tonight can be so different in the light of day. All it takes is 24 hours to realize this. Give yourself this time.

Don’t give up on yourself and your abilities. We all have an underlying strength; we simply need to tap into it and grow from the experience.

If you need further help with this, please contact Carolyn Osborn.

Here’s to a healthy mindset.

Carolyn Osborn

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P.S. To gain knowledge about how energy medicine and intuitive messages can help us recognize and adjust to changes that are affecting us. This is so even when we may not recognize them immediately, or worry that they are only hindering us— including messages your dogs, cats, horses and other pets wish they could tell you directly to help, Chiron Energy Medicine offers several options.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.

You may request an Introductory Consultation here.