The Butterfly Effect and How it Can Help You Make Changes in Your Life

CEM June 2021 Blog - The Butterfly Effect and How it Can Help You Make Changes in Your Life..png

When you hear the words, “The Butterfly Effect” what comes to mind? 

  • Renewed beginnings?

  • Huge changes are on the horizon?

  • A different state of mind?

If you look up the meaning it states a property of chaotic systems (such as the atmosphere) by which small changes in initial conditions can lead to large-scale and unpredictable variation in the future state of the system.

Wouldn’t you say this is what we’ve gone through this past year?

We’ve experienced a time of unknowns, sequester, upheaval, change in thought, and through it all things have shifted dramatically. We’ve learned that we don’t have to be in one place to work, we’ve seen how we can learn without having to be in a classroom, that shake-ups can be a good thing allowing us to see things in a totally different light. Many of us have changed our residence and moved to another state, many of us have gotten closer to family, we have come to realize what matters, and what we can do without.

If you think about how most of us have been glued to our TVs and/or devices this time allowed us to look at our lives under a microscope. We got to see it up close and personal because we had nothing else to do but wait it out.

So, when you look at the “Butterfly Effect” we essentially lived it this past year. We started the year off with a tone of chaos and unknowns, which slowly began to change our thoughts and beliefs causing us to relook at everything in a whole new way.

  • We now can see that working from home is feasible, less expensive, and in some cases, preferred.

  • We now know that we don’t need to be tied to our jobs but can move to a whole new state without having to give up our job.

  • We have learned that there are many more job opportunities if we are willing to learn a new profession.

  • We have found new ways of learning online opening us up to bigger and better economic endeavors.

  • We were given the gift of time to work on ourselves and our family dynamics.

Were there some negatives that came from this past year? Absolutely, but I’m a firm believer that since we can’t change the past it’s best to see what’s in front of us that we can change for the better. This time may have tested us, but it has also opened our eyes to things we never would have seen if we weren’t forced to face them head-on.

Some of us may also be going through a spiritual experience, trying to find something to make us feel whole again. As with anything, we need to see the bad before we can see the good, and I believe this year has done that. We got to see what worked and what didn’t and many of us adapted quickly.

Isn’t that what life is about, learning as you go so that you can adapt, change, and move on? Energy Medicine can help you accept, adapt, and move in a better direction to help you feel whole again.

Even though we are well into 2021, we will never forget what 2020 gave us, TIME.

Here’s to a healthful life.

Carolyn Osborn

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P.S. To gain knowledge about how energy medicine and intuitive messages can help us recognize and adjust to changes that are affecting us. This is so even when we may not recognize them immediately, or worry that they are only hindering us— including messages your dogs, cats, horses and other pets wish they could tell you directly to help, Chiron Energy Medicine offers several options.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.

You may request an Introductory Consultation here.