Have Your Friendships Changed Over This Past Year?

CEM June 2021 Blog - Have your friendships changed over the past year.png

There are acquaintances, lifelong friends we grew up with, fair-weathered friends, and those friends who call when we’ve been thinking about them. But have your friendships stayed in place during this past year, or have they begun to crumble? During trying times, we begin to re-evaluate our friendships, especially when we have spent much of the time away from them.

Many have found that they now have nothing in common with lifelong friends or have found friendship in places they never thought of looking. Either way you look at it, friendships have either strengthened or simply unraveled altogether. When we are faced with tumultuous times, as we have faced this past year, we look to our friends for support.

But what if that friend you always counted on is no longer there or willing to support you, but instead has turned their back on you all together? You don’t really know how it happened only that when you call, they don’t seem to have the time to talk or seem less interested in your conversation. Even though deep down we believe our friendships to last forever, times and circumstances can cause these friendships to wane. It can be hurtful, but then again it can be enlightening, depending on how you look at it. 

Many relationships can be toxic, but until we have time away from these relationships is when we truly see how toxic they may have been. This can be the real reason why these friendships have ended. It doesn’t mean that it hurts any less, it simply means that we have had a chance to look at it from a distance. To be able to look at the relationship and whether it was beneficial for us.

By asking yourself the following questions, you can assess whether this was a friendship worth keeping:

  • Do you find each time you say something they either have a snide remark or have nothing nice to say?

  • When you talk about your family or kids do you find they simply change the subject every time?

  • Is the conversation one side, where they prefer to talk about themselves instead of you?

  • When you talk with them are they more concerned with their phone or their surroundings than you?

  • Do you find yourself shrinking when you spend time with them and can’t be yourself without judgment?

When it comes to friendships it should be a mutual relationship where you both have time to talk and you both listen to each other. That’s what friends are for, to listen and help you feel better. But as we change, and our lives take different turns we find that we have outgrown our friends.

As our interests change our friends may go out of our lives or come back in depending upon our life choices and experiences. But when you find yourself being happy that you are no longer friends, or relieved they are no longer calling, it may be life’s way of releasing you from those relationships that no longer serve you.

Does it hurt? Of course, but think of it this way. Now you have time to experience a newfound friendship that will serve you more positively. Another way to help you cope is with Energy Medicine as it can help clear your energy to attract the best people into your life now.

Here’s to new positive friendships.

Carolyn Osborn

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P.S. You can also gain knowledge about how energy medicine and intuitive messages can help us recognize and adjust to changes that are affecting us, as well as our animals. Even when we may not recognize it— there are messages your dogs, cats, horses and other pets wish they could tell you directly—as they seek to give you loving help. Chiron Energy Medicine offers several options.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.

You may request an Introductory Consultation here.