Why the Dog is Touted as Man/Woman’s Best Friend

CEM May 2021 Blog - Why the Dog is Touted as ManWoman’s Best Friend..png

If you read my last blog. we discussed the independent cat, and how many claim being a cat owner makes you smarter.

However, many dog owners would argue this point.

Let’s go into the traits of a dog and why they are the most popular pet for many families.

You Gotta Love Them:

  • When you come home no one is more excited to see you than your dog.

  • They love to cuddle, from 1 lb. to 85 lbs. your lap is the best place to be.

  • Exercise is their favorite thing to do. Run in the yard, go for walks, they are game for just about anything.

  • Playtime can be filled with catching the ball or fighting over their favorite toy.

  • They love listening to you even if they don’t understand a word. They are more than willing to lend an ear or two.

  • When you are feeling low or upset, they are the first to be there for you with a lick or nuzzle to show you they care.

Then There’s the Other Side:

  • Trash must be hidden and not seen, at least so you don’t have a mess when you get home.

  • It may be raining outside, but your dog has some business to tend to.

  • Is it time to go walking? According to your dog, every time is a good time to walk.

  • Food, and more food. Dependent on the size of your dog, food can be a big part of the monthly family expenses.

  • All I wanted was a bite … of your tasty human treats.. .or whatever is on yo that plate! Not all dogs play fair, or patiently and politely like all your aunts and uncles.

Both a dog and a cat can be a very good companion for anyone, you simply need to do your homework and think about the following things:

  • Size of your home.

  • Your location and how easy it is or not to enjoy your new pet.

  • The upkeep for both including the cost.

  • Their temperament and how they fit within the family dynamics.

Regardless of whether you chose to be a cat or dog owner, or even have both, it takes responsibility to care for each one. They both are treasures to have around including the good, bad, and the ugly.

Here’s to your pet's health.

Carolyn Osborn
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P.S. Our newest program Healing and the New Normal is designed to support you being able to move forward during these stressful times.

You can also gain knowledge about how energy medicine and intuitive messages can help us recognize and adjust to changes that are affecting us, as well as our animals. Even when we may not recognize it— there are messages your dogs, cats, horses and other pets wish they could tell you directly—as they seek to give you loving help. Chiron Energy Medicine offers several options.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.

You may request an Introductory Consultation here.