Are you allowing things beyond your control to dictate your life?

As we all know, there are things in life that we cant control. However, we can control how we deal with what life throws our way.

But do you find after this past year of turmoil, political unrest, and climate change that you feel like your life is being dictated beyond your control?

Granted, we cant control what goes on in the world but there are things we can control in our lives:

  • Our mindset

  • What we put in our mouths

  • What we say

  • How we react

  • Being open to the inner voice and energy that is there to protect and support us

In general, we may not have control over any given situation, but we have full control of how we react. This past year has tested us all on how we deal with stress and anxiety. Through each given situation we have been given a choice whether to be the problem or the solution. Yes, it is as simple as that with any conversation, argument, or disagreement.

The one thing we all know is there are always two sides. One that is willing to comply while another that is not. This is how many disagreements begin. Have you allowed the events of this past year to dictate your life or make you feel you have no control, so you simply give in or give up? 

Granted this is not to judge on which side is right or wrong, I believe each situation we encounter is a life lesson where we are given a choice to make; the one that will work best for us or the one that will work best for the situation at hand. In many cases, people may see this as a game of chess, where there is a winner and a loser and nothing in between. However, when we see this as a win-lose proposition is when we start to allow these situations to render us powerless.

We have all the power; we simply dont know it. This power is our mindset and actions. Let’s demonstrate this:

  • Let’s say a discussion ensues about having plants in the office for the betterment of the staff.

  • One person objects, stating that it’s simply a waste of money and can’t see the benefits at all.

  • Another person states how these plants will not only increase the quality of air for their staff but help them to be more productive based on scientific facts.

  • Each side has a point to make, but dependent upon the discussion and who has the stronger points can many times make the other party feel defeated.

  • You may feel no one is open to listening to you— your own inner energy feels pushed aside, maybe even by you.

This is much of how we feel when things beyond our control make us feel powerless at which point, we allow them to dictate our lives. And the keyword here is allow”. 

  • We can allow the news to dictate the way we make decisions for our family, or we can do more homework and decide what is the best route for ourselves and our loved ones.

  • We can allow someone to bully us into a decision or we can say no this won’t work for me.

  • We can allow someone else’s drama to become our own or we can walk away and hang out with someone who has no drama.

  • We may not have been taught the tools for Self-Care in life, such as Energy Medicine, and we need support to gain and use them.

(If you wish to learn more about what Energy Medicine can make available,
 I invite you to a free no-obligation Introductory Consultation to see if it may be a fit for you.)

With anything in life, we have a choice. No matter the situation there is always a choice to make. What that choice will be is up to you. We also have the choice to care for our mindset and have more positive interactions for more positive outcomes. But this is by choice. 

The next time you feel things are dictating your life, look at the circumstances, what you want for the outcome, and how you can achieve this outcome. Leave the outside distractions as that, distractions.

Dont allow these distractions to dictate your decision. Find what you feel will get you the most harmony in your life. This is when you take back your power and feel in control of your life. 

Here's to being empowered.

Carolyn Osborn

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P.S. Our newest program Healing and the New Normal is designed to support you being able to move forward during these stressful times.

You can also gain knowledge about how energy medicine and intuitive messages can help us recognize and adjust to changes that are affecting us, as well as our animals. Even when we may not recognize it— there are messages your dogs, cats, horses and other pets wish they could tell you directly—as they seek to give you loving help. Chiron Energy Medicine offers several options.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and our equine and performance sessions or packages here.

You may request an Introductory Consultation here.