On December 21st is when we celebrate the winter solstice, marking the shortest day and longest night of the year. This astronomical and astrological event symbolizes the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. As the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky, the solstice invites us to reflect on the themes of endings and new beginnings, reminding us that the completion of one cycle naturally leads to the start of another. These alignments are not just for practical purposes but also hold a deep spiritual meaning, symbolizing the rebirth of the sun and the promise of longer days ahead.
Releasing the Past: As we get close to another year coming to its end, the winter solstice provides a natural pause for reflection. This is a time to look back on the past year and acknowledge both your achievements and challenges. It is an invitation to let go of old energy patterns that no longer serve you or your future. This allows you to understand what has ended in your life, whether it be a phase, a project, or a relationship. When you recognize these endings is when you can find closure and truly make peace with the past.
Starting New Beginnings: As we end one of the longest nights, the winter solstice also heralds the return of the light. You see, each day following the solstice grows progressively longer, symbolizing hope and renewal. This gradual increase in daylight serves as a metaphor for new beginnings. Just as the sun begins its journey back to prominence, we too can embark on new ventures, set fresh goals, balace our energy, and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. This is the perfect time to start new healthy habits, relationships, jobs, and mindset.
The Cycle of Life: The winter solstice embodies the cyclical nature of life. Just as the seasons change, so do the phases of your life. This time teaches you that endings are not final but are part of a continuous cycle of growth and transformation. This perspective encourages you to view challenges and setbacks as temporary, knowing that they pave the way for new experiences and personal growth. You can also see each cycle as part of the larger image of a spiral. We keep passing the same point every year but it is always part of a different experience in your growth.
So how do you embrace the Solstice in Modern Times?
In our fast-paced world, the winter solstice offers a moment to slow down and reconnect with the natural rhythms of life. When you embrace the solstice, you honor the cycles of endings and beginnings in your life. Not sure how to start? Here are a few ways to celebrate:
Reflection: Take time to breathe and journal about this past year, noting significant events, lessons learned, and areas for growth.
Rituals: Create your own rituals that symbolize letting go of the old and welcoming the new. Such as lighting a candle, meditation or writing down intentions for the coming year.
Connection: Take this time to spend with loved ones, share stories, and create new memories. Connect with Mother Earth and Father Sky where you can also see these cycles in action, and how we are all connected.
Energy: As this Solstice time is about finding balance and changing direction, it is important to make sure your energy (all levels) is being centered and reset to move into the new cycles coming into focus in the New Year. Let go of the energies that no longer serve you and create space for new possibilities and energies to emerge.
How ever you decide to celebrate the winter solstice, remember how powerful this cyclical nature of life is. Allow yourself to celebrate the end of one cycle in your life and the beginning of another. Think of one door closing and another one opening to lots of new possibilities and refreshed energy. Embracing the lessons of the solstice can help you navigate the transitions in your life with grace and optimism.
Here’s to new beginnings.
Carolyn Osborn
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