Understanding Your Pet’s Unexplained Changes During the Holidays

During the holiday season, not only do you stress, but your pets do as well. Why? Because they feed off your energy. When you’re happy they are, when you’re sad they are, when you are stressed out, they are. Remember they are a mirror of what you are feeling and experiencing. They pick up and reflect your energy. The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, but it can also bring about significant changes in routines and environments.

These changes can bring stress to you and your pets. Pets are highly sensitive to their surroundings and often mirror your emotions, making it essential to understand how holiday stress and unusual energy patterns (too much stimulation or too little attention) can affect them. Here we will discuss how the holidays can affect your pets and ways to help both you and your pet cope.

How can Holiday Stress affect your pet(s)?

  • Changes in Routine: Many times, the holidays can disrupt your daily schedule which can be unsettling for your pet. Schedules and routines help your pets to thrive, because they always know what to expect. But these schedules can get altered causing issues with feeding times, irregular walks, and changes in sleeping patterns. 

  • Environmental Changes: Even though you may be enjoying the decorations and lights this can cause confusion for your pets as you rearrange furniture. This is especially true for older pets who can’t see or hear as well. These changes can cause them to run into things that weren’t there before causing confusion for your pets. 

  • Increased Activity and Noise: More people bring more noise and activity in your home which can cause your pet to become overwhelmed. Remember, they are used to just having you in the house not a room full of people.

  • Emotional Mirroring: Pets are incredibly attuned to your emotions. If you are feeling stressed or anxious during the holidays, your pet will be as well.

  • They Don’t Know What is Going On: It can upset them and worry them with all the changes, and it can trigger their insecurities and fears. 

So how do you help your pets be as calm and safe as possible? You pay attention to these red flags.

  • Changes in Appetite: Stressed pets tend to eat less or refuse all together. They also may overeat to cope. 

  • Peeing in the House: Even though your pet may be potty trained, stress can cause them to urinate or defecate in inappropriate places. They may also be ‘pissed off”.

  • Hiding or Isolation: Most pets will simply hide to avoid interaction. This can be a clear sign that your pet is overwhelmed. 

  • Excessive Grooming or Licking: Pets tend to groom themselves excessively as a way to self-soothe. This can lead to bald spots or skin irritation.

  • Aggression or Irritability: Even the most well-trained pet can become irritable and aggressive when stressed out. Especially if there are suddenly lots of new people and kids around. 

  • Changes in Vocalization: Incessant barking, whining, or meowing can be another sign of stress. 

  • Their Energy is Off: You can tell something is not right and they feel off. Do not ignore that feeling and check it out. 

So, what can you do to help both you and your pet cope during the holidays? 

  • Key to Maintain a Routine: Keeping your pet on a routine and being as consistent as possible will help them to feel safe. You may want to note their feeding/walking schedule on the calendar or frig to keep you all on schedule. This is also important for you to stay on task.

  • Creating a Safe Space: Find a quiet, comfortable space where your pet can retreat from the chaos and feel safe and protected. This is important for you as well. Maybe you both can retreat to the safe place for a quick reprieve from all the chaos.

  • Minimize Environmental Changes: When decorating try to keep from moving any furniture, if possible, or those items that may be in the usual path your pet goes through to get to their food, water, litter box, and bed. 

  • Spend Quality Time Together: The best thing for you and your pets is to spend some extra time together. This will give you a break and make your pet feel loved and seen. 

  • Watch Your Emotions: Remember to be mindful of your own stress levels by breathing and taking some quiet time for yourself. This will help mitigate much of the stress for both you and your pet.

  • Consult Your Veterinarian: If you find your pet is severally stressed it may be time to bring in some help from your favorite animal communicator/Energy practitioner or consult with your vet. Many times, outside help can help bring relief quickly. 

I realize the holiday season can be stressful, but if you take time to pay attention to the stress signs in your pet and set you both up for a much calmer holiday, you both will be better off. Remember to keep your routine, have your animal communicator tell them what is happening, no extreme environment changes, and set up your pet’s safe space, which will help everyone have a calmer holiday season. 

Happy holidays to you and your pets.

Carolyn Osborn

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