The Mystical Elements of the Dragon

This year is the year of the Wood Dragon, especially important for those born in 1964 and new babies born this year 2024. Being born in these years brings many fantastic qualities such as:

Luck & Good Fortune










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The Wood Dragon in particular has an abundance of these additional Dragon qualities:

  • Nurturing

  • Determination

  • Social Skills

  • Adventurous

  • Leadership

  • Warmth

  • Diplomacy

  • Intellectually gifted

  • Proud

  • Lively

  • Quick-Witted

  • Leadership Skills

  • Frankness

  • Inquisitive

  • Creative

  • Honorable

  • Wisdom

  • Spirituality

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Sounds like some key traits of true leadership, don’t you think?

The year of the wood dragon is one of key relevance as it only comes around rarely, once every 60 years. Many feel this year will be met with creativity and flexibility to allow us all to move forward in a positive direction. When you look at all the things our world has experienced over the past several months, it stands to reason that we will all need a creative mind and the ability to be flexible.

This year is bound to bring much change for all of us to make a positive impact as we move through this year of growth, adaptability, and creativity to make our own impact on the world.

Even though this year is the year of the wood dragon, among the many spiritual meanings for dragons in general in many different cultures are these:

  • Power: They are seen as mighty, magical creatures, that are capable of controlling the natural world.

  • Wisdom: Due to their vast knowledge and long lives.

  • Transformation: Change and renewal, where they are capable of shedding their old skin and emerging with a new shine, energy and allure.

  • Guardianship: Where they fulfill the role of protector, defending hidden knowledge.

  • Creation: Symbolizing the cyclical nature of life and the constant balance of forces in the universe.

  • Good luck/Prosperity: Having a dragon symbol in your home or businesses is believed to attract positive forces and ward off negative energies.

  • Spiritual Growth: Their spiritual growth and self-discovery, as we all must face our fears and embrace our inner strength and power.

  • Dragons have long held prominent positions in ancient cultures across the world, among them the Druid tradition. They understood that one should never threaten, or attempt to hurt or steal from a dragon, lest their otherwise benign nature would then be roused to a mighty ire by such twisted and spiritually barren acts.

Imagine if you emulated many of these traits and energies in to your life.

  • Power to release your fears, own and accept your innate power, and control what you can.

  • Wisdom to know that you don’t need anyone to believe in you, because of the strong belief in yourself.

  • Transformation allows you to change the things in your life that are not serving you well.

  • Guardianship of your self-care and knowing when to say no or make a change.

  • Creation of a life that serves you in every way for your best and highest good.

  • Good Luck/Prosperity knowing that you will always have all the money you need to do what you want whenever you want, and the universe will provide if you trust your higher power.

  • Spiritual Growth of your mind, body, and spirit. Connect with your Higher Self and discover who you really are.

As you can see, the dragon brings a wealth of traits that we all can learn from and implement in our lives, making us better people. When you commit to yourself, and your spiritual growth, is when you truly grow and flourish.

Here’s to your spiritual growth and a wonderful Year of the Dragon!

Carolyn Osborn

Discover a Natural Well-Being and Oneness within the Body, Mind and Spirit, that awaits you and your animal.

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Special Announcement:

We are pleased to introduce to you a groundbreaking new way to experience energy healing remotely (via Zoom) with our Chiron Observer Effect • Group Energy Events.

We are all connected not just energetically, but quantumly through what’s known as “entanglement”. This means we are NOT separate even though physically it may appear so. This also explains how we are intrinsically connected with our animals on all levels as well. 

LEARN MORE here about the benefits available to you and your animal.

Our first two events are on February 10th and March 9th. Registration is open now with a generous discount.

There are still a few spots available for Saturday February 10th event if you register by Friday, February 9th.

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Other resources for you:

Animals are often our closest companions. We invite you to use something unique we have just published; this very practical tool to help you discover if your animal has a message for you, or needs help. Take our Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Pet’s Alerts? it’s free. Learn more, and click to get it here.

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Also Featured right on our website homepage or in our sessions menu: Chiron Mirror Program • Energy Healing between You and Your Animal. It is designed to help you discover a natural well-being and oneness within the body, mind and spirit that awaits you and your animal— when you are guided to release unwanted behaviors and unconscious memories and patterns of suppressed vitality and difficult energy blocks that may trigger dis-ease or imbalances if left unattended.