How working in tandem with your pet can help you heal.

You may be asking yourself, “My pet can help me heal?” Yes, it’s been a proven fact that those who have pets heal much faster than those who do not. Not only do they help you heal after surgery or injuries, but they can help with mental and emotional wounds as well. Now, many may argue the never-ending question of what pet is best as a companion in your home, a dog or cat? But pets come in many different forms, including horses, pot belly pigs, birds, hamster, bunny, even squirrels (some visit their favorite people regularly, even knocking at a window or door daily), etc.— whatever pet makes you feel whole. Pets can give us something we often cannot find with a human relationship, such as:

  • Undying love and devotion.

  • No judgment.

  • Feeling loved no matter what.

  • Always there for you.

  • A cherished relationship

What human relationship can you say: “yes, it has all of the above”. No matter how special and fulfilling a human relationship can be, you are dealing with two people’s unique mindsets, and there will always be a time where disagreements and hurt feelings come into play. Not the case with a pet. They not only look to you for support, food, and love but they also return this support and love usually when you need it most.

Think about this for a moment.

  • What happens when you are sick in bed? This is when your pet comes in and snuggles with you. How does that make you feel?

  • What happens when you are in a foul mood? Your pet will come up and give you a nuzzle, lick, and look into your eyes with a mindset of, “How can I help?”

  • When you have had a heartbreak or loss. Your pet will come in to give you support. Whether that be to be right next to you or in your lap to say, “I’m here to help heal your heart.”

  • They oftentimes can take on your symptoms of pain, illness, emotional pain, etc. so you can feel better and not suffer so much.

This is why you will find pets in nursing homes, care giving facilities, children’s hospitals, cancer units, or schools because science has proven that people heal much quicker and feel less lonely when a pet is around. They are actually taking on your pain, physical and emotional, or illness, by their own choosing to help you heal. This is how they can mirror you by showing the same symptoms all to help you heal.  Your pet can help you with many of the following and more:

  • Depression

  • Surgery

  • Injuries

  • Lower blood pressure

  • PTSD

  • Reduce stress/anxiety

  • Loneliness

  • ADHD

  • Autism

  • Independence

  • Grief

Being a pet owner can bring so much joy and love into your life like no other. If you want to find out how to be more in tune with your pet get in touch with me to find out about my Chiron Mirror Sessions Tandem Healing Program.

Here’s to living a more healthful life with a pet.

Carolyn Osborn

Discover the deep healing and connection, and the relief and freedom that await you, and your animal, with Chiron Energy Medicine.

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P.S. Our newest program is featured right on our website homepage or in our sessions menu: Chiron Mirror Sessions • Tandem Healing for You and Your Animal. It is designed to help you discover the deep healing that awaits you and your animal when you are guided to release unwanted behaviors and unconscious wounds and patterns of suppressed emotions and traumas that trigger dis-ease or illness if left unattended.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.

Have some questions? You may also request an Introductory Consultation here.