How can we be more like puppies?

When you think of a puppy you may be seeing a bundle of fur with energy that seems to never stop being over the top until they reach 2 or 3 years old. But if you think back to your childhood, you likely did much the same thing. Always everywhere and looking for new adventures with energy to spare. However, as we grow older, we tend to tamp down the energy and curiosity of life.

Seems as we grow older, we are not as interested in everything that comes our way, and may feel we’ve lost our pep. How do we renew that playful sense? Let’s start by reviewing the traits of a puppy, because if you think about these you will realize how we had many of these traits as kids.

  • Puppy Love – You loved everything and everyone no matter their faults.

  • Adventure – You viewed the world as a new place to discover. Everyday was an adventure of new things to see and experience.

  • Trust – You trusted everyone and their words.

  • Energy – As soon as the sun came up you were on high gear. Playing with friends, experiencing your surroundings, and learning something new.

  • Bonding – It was so easy to make friends before any judgment ever entered your child mind.

If you look at this list you may wonder if you can ever go back to those days when there was no judgment, hurt, unwelcome emotions, with a seemingly endless ability to be open to anything.

As children we automatically trust, love, and bond with those around us. We trust and hear the words they teach us. But many times those words can hurt or become our “grown up” norm. So, how do you retain the best of that childlike state?

  • First and foremost, you must learn to love fully with ease again. Not those around you, but yourself. Learn to like and love the person you see in the mirror every day. Even if that means saying out loud, “I love and believe in you.”

  • You can still see and be ready for new adventures in life; you simply have to put on different life glasses. This means opening up yourself and letting go of the judgements and hurtful words from others, including the ones that you internalized out of fear or trauma. Write them out on paper, tear it up, and consciously let them go, as they belong in the past, not the future.

  • Trusting in yourself and listening to your inner voice will help you trust in others. When you lose trust, you become jaded and miss out on life lessons and opportunities that may be staring you in the face. Be conscious of the universal signs. Of course, if it doesn’t feel right or healthy, don’t do it.

  • You can always rekindle that “puppy” energy by simply moving more. Walking, biking in place, jogging, dancing to a favorite song, or hiking. With simple movement you gain more energy for both your body and your mind.

  • It’s never too late to bond and find new friendships. All it takes is a smile, a hello, or a helping hand to invite friendships to grow at a natural and enjoyable pace for your life now.

It’s natural, and not very hard, to tap into that puppy state of mind. All you have to do is remember any one of the good things that have happened in your life— something that made you smile or laugh or feel the energy of fun in the moment. This will shift your energy and open you up to the energy for discovery.

And yes, it’s important to remind yourself that there are always good things in any life— no matter the trials and tribulations you encounter. The goal is to see and recognize those stored in your memory, even if they seem long ago and absent right now. They may be a valuable lesson you learned or a fleeting moment of affection or love. It’s up to you to concentrate more on the good in life so that more of that is welcome to come your way. Remember, what we concentrate on we get more of.

Just as puppies grow up, so do we humans, though we take several more years to reach adulthood than their 2 or 3 years. Puppies love to play, but so do grown-up dogs. It’s why they are always ready for a good game of fetch. Or a car ride where they get to hang out and go anywhere with their favorite person.

While there are challenges that come our way even as puppy-like kids, often long before we reach adulthood, too often very young, the innocence and energy for discovery and the capacity to learn is always deep within our energy field.

We may need to work at learning how to recognize and integrate innocence with maturity into the here and now. This is yet another element for life balance that we need as much as we need food, clothing, shelter and healthy connections to others. One of the strongest contributions energy medicine can make is helping us successfully navigate life’s journey in balance.

You can do this!

Give yourself permission to recognize— and remember— the good relationships, adventures, and moments of laughter. They are there, with more to come, you simply have to be open to them.

Here’s to a happy life of happy memories

Carolyn Osborn

Discover the deep healing and connection, and the relief and freedom that await you, and your animal, with Chiron Energy Medicine.

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P.S. Our newest program has been announced and is featured right on our website homepage or in our sessions menu: Chiron Mirror Sessions • Tandem Healing for You and Your Animal. It is designed to help you discover the deep healing that awaits you and your animal when you are guided to release unwanted behaviors and unconscious wounds and patterns of suppressed emotions and traumas that trigger dis-ease or illness if left unattended.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.

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