Did you know that there are 5 different types of meditation?

Many people may think meditation is made up of sitting still, breathing, closing your eyes, and allowing your mind to go blank. This is a familiar form, but there are many different types of meditation that you can use depending on what it is you are trying to achieve. This is a short introduction to different types of meditation, but there are much more advanced types we are not discussing today.

Whether this be to relax or get in touch with your guides or Higher Self, you can use it to set up a day filled with this type of healing and energizing intent. Let’s look at a few different types of meditation and how each one can help you achieve a foundation of well-being for a specific focus.

While the list below does not identify breathing as a single meditation or mantra tradition or technique, it is essential to each and every one of them. In my own work with Energy Medicine for clients, I often guide them into particular breathing rhythms that help them shift out of patterns or beliefs that need release while taking on new patterns that support energy balancing.

1.   Mindfulness meditation – This is where you are in the moment concentrating on your breathing, closing your eyes, and allowing your body to relax and be still. You allow your mind to be quiet, letting the thoughts pass by without engaging them.

2.   Spiritual meditation –This is for those with a bit more experience and specific spiritual intent. You might need a meditation teacher to learn this higher concept.

3.   Focused meditation – This is where you concentrate on one specific thing such as a candle flame, mantra, or word. This also helps still the monkey mind and find quiet.

4.   Movement meditation – This is when you are out walking, dancing, gardening, or many other activities. Essentially this can be with any type of relaxing movement that allows you to be in the moment, and get out of your head.

5.   Mantra meditation – This is where you repeat a particular phrase over and over that allows you to flow with the energy of sound or the silent rhythm of an unspoken but repeating inner-voice phrase, and away from pushing or forcing expectations on yourself. Such a phrase might be, “I am One with Life.” Mantra practice is a topic that has many levels and ways to use it which can evolve over time. There are specific practices that go into much more detail on the various types of mantra traditions and how to use them.

Each of these types of meditation can help you achieve higher states of consciousness, inner balance, calm, focus, and clarity, and possibly answers to questions you may be looking for in your life. This is a specific practice and like any practice, is best utilized when done regularly. You can also get in touch with old emotions or patterns that could be addressed to enable healing. Meditation and Mantra traditions can become a years-long practice that resonates with a person’s unique energy signature, and brings many benefits should one choose to take it on as a path for healing and well-being.  

Whichever you decide to use, it can help center your mind, body, and spirit while aiding you to release negative beliefs and emotions. When we do this, it allows our body to become calm and centered allowing us to be more productive and have a more self-renewing energy.

No matter which meditative technique you may use, it can help you become a much healthier human being, offer profound openings within yourself, and support you in navigating a challenging healing journey. Mantras and meditation have been shown to help many cancer patients as they commit to becoming cancer-free or get through their ordeal with greater ease. Imagine what it could do if you practiced it every day.

Here’s to meditative days filled with more health and happiness.

Carolyn Osborn

Discover a Natural Well-Being and Oneness within the Body, Mind and Spirit, that awaits you and your animal.

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P.S. Animals are often our closest companions. We invite you to use something unique we have just published; this very practical tool to help you discover if your animal has a message for you, or needs help. Take our Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Pet’s Alerts? it’s free. Learn more, and click to get it here.

Other resources for you:

Our newest program is featured right on our website homepage or in our sessions menu: Chiron Mirror Sessions • Energy Healing between You and Your Animal. It is designed to help you discover a natural well-being and oneness within the body, mind and spirit that awaits you and your animal— when you are guided to release unwanted behaviors and unconscious memories and patterns of suppressed vitality and difficult energy blocks that may trigger dis-ease or imbalances if left unattended.

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