School? Homeschool?

CEM August 2021 - School Homeschool.png

Many parents are still dealing with the notion of whether they want their children to return to school or find a home school option.

As a parent, we all want what’s best for our children, but when we are asked on whether to choose between the safety of our children and our values how do you decide?

Even though we are well into a year and a half since COVID began the one question, still, many are struggling with is whether to get vaccinated or not. Which plays into the safety of our children and our values. Let me explain.

  • On one hand, you have people willing to get vaccinated, but the pharmaceuticals have still not come up with a vaccine for children under the age of 12, and parents are fearful that returning to school for this age bracket can cause them to become ill.

  • On the other hand, you have those who refuse to get vaccinated based on the information they have received, whether this is through social media or the news, they refuse.

  • Then some won’t get vaccinated until the title, experimental, is removed for the vaccines.

  • You also have families where one parent is all for the family getting vaccinated while the other parent says, “Nope, I disagree.”

  • Learn how Energy Medicine can be the perfect solution for the vaccination question. It can help support and prepare your body and mind to adjust to issues around the vaccination, and even alleviate bothersome side effects that may be impacting general well being.

Families have either become fractured, or are simply at their wits end on what to do when the summer break comes to a close. Do we have our children return to school or have them homeschooled? 

Granted this past year and a half has been anything but clear on either side. But the one clear thing is the stress many families are currently facing when it comes to their children returning to school.

How can you decide, cope, or get the family to agree with all these factors in place?

Here are a few things that may help:

  • Do your homework about the vaccines through reputable sources, such as WebMD, Mayo Clinic, or simply ask your doctor.

  • Have a discussion as a family, including the kids. Find out how they feel as well. You may be surprised by their answers.

  • Talk about the precautions you plan to take as a family should you have children under the age of 12. Remember, kids, follow your example.

  • Get some energy medicine sessions to support your immune system as well as the beliefs and fears you may have around both COVID and the Vaccine.

Now is not the time to politicize this issue: it’s time to come together as a family and decide what’s best for all the members of your family, whether that be the kids, grandparents, or extended family members.

It’s time to get the answers you need to make the decisions you find will be best for your family.

As a whole, it’s up to us as a nation to be willing to accept these decisions and protect our loved ones. If that means getting vaccinated and/or wear a mask inside, we do what we need to be accountable for ourselves and those we love.

Here’s to your health.

Carolyn Osborn

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P.S. Our newest program Healing and the New Normal is designed to support you being able to move forward during these stressful times.

You can also gain knowledge about how energy medicine and intuitive messages can help us recognize and adjust to changes that are affecting us, as well as our animals. Even when we may not recognize it— there are messages your dogs, cats, horses and other pets wish they could tell you directly—as they seek to give you loving help. Chiron Energy Medicine offers several options.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and our equine and performance sessions or packages here.

You may request an Introductory Consultation here.