COVID Norm: New Reality?

Chiron Energy Medicine Feb 2021 COVID Norm_ New Reality.png

Have you been hoping to get your old normal back? That old routine that you all loved? Sorry to say, that routine has flown the coop.

As we’ve all grown to realize over the past year, 2020, nothing was normal. What we all relied on as normal was turned upside down on its head, which may have been very difficult for the whole family to cope, including your pets.

When we start something new that lasts longer than 60 or 90 days it becomes a habit, which in turn becomes part of the routine. We all have them. 

Daily routines that many of us were accustomed to:

  • Take the dog for a morning walk.

  • Get the kids ready for school.

  • Go to work at the same time, down the same road or freeway.

  • Come home and sit in front of the TV for news or a break.

  • Start dinner.

  • Sit down with the family, eat, do the dishes, and get ready for bed.

Then we start the next day all over again doing the same routine. It was so ingrained into our heads and body that many of us could do it in our sleep.

But when this routine is thrown out the window, as 2020 made happen, it can be hard to get a new routine that works for the whole family. Especially when COVID forced more changes on a daily or monthly basis.

As you know we are all creatures of habit. We LOVE our routines. These routines are safe because we know what to expect. But how do you create a new routine or new habits when they change so frequently? 

These steps might help you come up with an even better one that serves the whole family in the best possible way:

  • Start a chart of the new things you’ve put in place and circle the ones that you like and want to continue.

  • If you find that you are creating some bad habits, look at how you can improve upon these. For example: if you find you’re watching more TV than before. Start reading some great e-books or dare I say it, hardback books. Listen to some funny or thought-provoking podcasts.

  • Decide on those things that can be flexible or changed easily and note them in your chart in a different color knowing that these may change.

  • Find new ways to get the exercise you once did in the gym. Jump rope, walk around the block, do some YouTube exercises.

  • Designate a room or rooms where everyone either works or does homework. If you have younger kids that may be disturbing homework time, get some headsets for those classroom Zoom calls.

  • If you find that you are snacking more on junk food, try having healthier snacks around the house and get rid of the junk food.

  • I know that many have been cooking up a storm and you may be getting tired of it. Try designating a pizza or take-out night once a week where you order and pick-up food for dinner that night.

Just remember, that we certainly don’t know what the future holds, but we can be as prepared as possible with a schedule or routine that the whole family can love. 

Pretty soon you may find a perfect hum of happiness and less chaos as you all work together to start your new normal.

Here’s to a happy and less chaotic life.

Carolyn Osborn

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P.S.  Our newest  program Healing and the New Normal  is designed to support you being able to move forward  during these stressful times.

You can also gain knowledge about how energy medicine and intuitive messages can help us recognize and adjust to changes that are affecting us, as well as our animals. Even when we may not recognize it—  there are messages your dogs, cats, horses and other pets wish they could tell you directly—as they seek to give you loving help. Chiron Energy Medicine offers several options.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.

You may request an Introductory Consultation here.