How Will Your Pets React Once Life Gets Back to A New Normal?

CEM 1 June 2020 - How Will Your Pets React Once Life Gets Back to A New  Normal.png

Many of you may be heading back to work, but your pets have been used to you being home all day. So, how will they cope while you head off to work?

You may start to see new behaviors that weren’t present before, such as:

  • Lethargic

  • Destructive behavior

  • Anxiety

  • Sadness

  • Depression

  • Aggression

You may find that your beloved pet is no longer recognizable due to their behavior. But know that these are simply signs of change. Keep in mind the first day you brought them home from the shelter. Even though they were happy, they had much to adjust to.

  • New environment

  • Possibly other pets

  • Kids

  • New schedule

  • New food

  • New sleeping arraignments

They had many stimuli they had to adjust to or overcome. This will be true as well when you return back to work. Remember, they’ve gone from one new normal when they first came into your home, to another new normal during a massive country shut down, to another new normal. They don’t understand what’s going on. All they know is the routine in the house has changed.

You can help them cope with the following techniques: 

  • Regular exercise with daily walks.

  • Possibly have a dog walker come in and spend a little bit of time with them so they won’t feel alone to help ease them into the new routine.

  • Make an effort to spend quality time with them. Even 10 minutes can make a huge difference.

  • When you come home take the time to acknowledge them.

As we all get use to a new normal, it helps negate future behavior by taking the time to do the above simple things to help the whole family cope, both furry and non-furry.

Here’s to your health,

Carolyn Osborn

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P.S.  Our newest  program Healing and the New Normal  is designed to support you being able to move forward  during these stressful times.

You can also gain knowledge about how energy medicine and intuitive messages can help us recognize and adjust to changes that are affecting us, as well as our animals. Even when we may not recognize it—  there are messages your dogs, cats, horses and other pets wish they could tell you directly—as they seek to give you loving help. Chiron Energy Medicine offers several options.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.

You may request an Introductory Consultation here.