Celebrating During Trying Times

Happy 2021 from Chiron Energy Medicine.blog 123020.jpg

It’s been a busy several weeks of holidays, and the New Year is approaching at warp speed.

Yet, like many, do you feel like it’s been tough? Especially when you haven’t been able to do regular holiday traditions like:

  • Grabbing a bite to eat while shopping for presents for the whole family.

  • Planning the family gathering with a “more the merrier” group of family and friends.

  • Going out on cold evenings to sing holiday songs around the neighborhood.

  • Setting up a spectacular New Year’s Eve celebration with all the party favors.

  • Heading to the airport to pick up family from other parts of the state to stay for several days until they head back home.

Each year we have been able to spend time with large crowds, with both friends and family, until 2020 hit.

We want to stay safe and follow the COVID rules, but it can be so hard when all you want to do is hug, celebrate, and laugh in a crowd of your family and friends. For many, they simply want to spend time with loved ones but can’t.

So, how do you make sure the energy of celebrating is part of a holiday season where a celebration is considered no more than 10 in any given room with 6 feet of social distancing… or it may not be possible at all in person? 

Even though you may be sick of Zoom calls and doing online meetings, they can become fun, and seem to be one of the best ways to stay in touch. Many times we have to think outside the box.

With this said, here are a few ideas to help you stay connected and enjoy the holidays together, but from afar.

  1. Do a New Year’s sing-along of “oldies but goodies” songs via a Zoom call… you can post the words on a screen share, or in the chat, so everyone can sing along.

  2. Go “Sale!” shopping online together as you enjoy a warm cup of your favorite drink.

  3. Set up story time online for all the kids, featuring a story you make up about a well-known animated character, or an original character you make up just for your tale. You can even ask questions as you go, to get the kids engaged in how the plot will twist and turn.

  4. Put the computer at the end of your dining table so that you can all share stories and catch-up during dinner or an easy brunch, with a family group call.

  5. Set up regular coffee chats to catch up and enjoy your time together via the internet waves.

  6. Have an online “Tell a silly story about yourself!” party.

I realize that much of our connection is through a computer screen, but you can still stay in touch and spend time together. If you miss the hugs, pick your favorite stuffed toy, close your eyes, and imagine you are hugging the person on there other end of the call or video screen.

Even though our lives and routines have changed, we can still look on the bright side of life and appreciate what we have and those we love by connecting via phone, computer, Zoom, or Facetime.

It will boost your mood, and lift your energy each time you connect with others, even for a short 15-minute call. Smiles are powerful!

Here’s to your health, with warmest wishes for a safe and sound New Year.

Carolyn Osborn

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P.S.  Our newest  program Healing and the New Normal  is designed to support you being able to move forward  during these stressful times.

You can also gain knowledge about how energy medicine and intuitive messages can help us recognize and adjust to changes that are affecting us, as well as our animals. Even when we may not recognize it—  there are messages your dogs, cats, horses and other pets wish they could tell you directly—as they seek to give you loving help. Chiron Energy Medicine offers several options.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.

You may request an Introductory Consultation here.