Can Apps Help You Keep Calm and Cool?

Chiron Energy Medicine Dec 2020 - Can Apps Help You Keep Calm and Cool.png

Now I’m a big proponent that whatever it takes to keep your nerves calm and live the utmost wonderful life, I’m in.

You also know that I’m a full believer in Energy Medicine and how these techniques can help you with your mindset and health.

But it has occurred to me that many find resolutions through apps. Especially since many of us spend so much time on our devices.

I thought I would bring you a list of some helpful apps to help with Self-care on the go. Here’s my disclaimer on this; if you still find that after spending time on these apps you need more in-depth help, I’m here for you.

Headspace – Are guided and mindful meditation helping you stay calm anywhere you go.

Calm – This one has been touted as the best sleep and relaxation app out there.

Lumosity – Is for mental health with games to keep your mind sharp allowing your mind to have a great mental workout.

Gratitude – This is another way of journaling online with affirmations and prompts to write as well as daily Zen quotes.

Happify – Using science-based activities this app helps elevate your happiness and offers personalized insights just for you.

Keep in mind that many of these may have a cost to them, but can be very helpful, depending on what you are looking for.

May you find great joy, happiness, gratitude, and tranquility in your life by finding the perfect app for your needs.

Here’s to your health.

Carolyn Osborn

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P.S.  Our newest  program Healing and the New Normal  is designed to support you being able to move forward  during these stressful times.

You can also gain knowledge about how energy medicine and intuitive messages can help us recognize and adjust to changes that are affecting us, as well as our animals. Even when we may not recognize it—  there are messages your dogs, cats, horses and other pets wish they could tell you directly—as they seek to give you loving help. Chiron Energy Medicine offers several options.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.

You may request an Introductory Consultation here.