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How ‘doing’ nothing is one way to be proactive

Yes, you read that right. ‘Doing’ nothing can help you be more proactive.

What does ‘doing’ nothing actually mean? I see it as being in the moment, being present, and allowing the universe to bring in what you want to create. Your energy can be more focused, clear and receptive.

‘Doing’ implies being busy, getting something done, never resting, etc. It also means you are pushing all the time and not allowing the creative aspect to happen in its own time and manner.

So when you get caught up in the daily activities of your day such as perusing email all day, checking social media posts, texting, video chats, consuming hours of TV, YouTube videos, podcasts, and eBooks…..it can be exhausting and many times can cause you to be a lot less productive. However, you can be more proactive about your health and mental wellbeing by doing less. How?

  • Put away the devices and take time to simply sit in a state of silence.

  • Instead of watching TV go outside and enjoy mother nature.

  • Realize that our sense of time is not the same as the Universe’s time, so being patient and allowing it to be your partner and guide becomes Proactive.

  • Take time to read enlightening books.

  • Learn to meditate and breathe to help you release everything from the day allowing you to regroup.

When you take the time to take a step back, put away your devices, take some deep breaths, close your eyes, and allow your mind to wander, you help your mind and body to take a break. You are not meant to be ‘on’ 24/7. When you don’t take the time to stop and regroup is when you start to struggle with sleep disorders and anxiety, which can become bigger issues down the line physically, emotionally, and mentally.

So, what can you do to get off the hamster wheel of life, turn off your mind, sleep better at night, and live a healthier life?

  • Turn it off – First and foremost it’s imperative to turn all your devices off and put them away. When you turn these off you allow your mind to turn off as well.

  • Set up your sleep time – Keep a sleep schedule where you go to sleep at the same time each night. This will help you stave off sleeping issues.

  • Chill – When you find yourself getting upset or feeling the anxiety coming on, step away, find a quiet spot, and take some time to simply breathe. This will give you a chance to regroup and be even more productive. Enjoy something fun!

  • Getting it out of your head – Write it down as a first step in letting it go. Frustrations, hurt feelings, your mindset, simply anything that comes to your mind. Take a few moments to breathe. This will allow you to let it go.

When you practice these tips each day you give your mind, body and energy a chance to regroup, rejuvenate, and re-energize. Which helps you to proactively step away from illness on the path to live a much healthier life. This down time allows you to get more done and as it gives your brain a chance to regroup for better answers. Haven’t you noticed when you are struggling with a problem, when you walk away, you give your brain a chance to rest, and the answers become much clearer for you to see?

Start putting these practices in place to help you proactively live a better life.

Carolyn Osborn

Discover a Natural Well-Being and Oneness within the Body, Mind and Spirit, that awaits you and your animal.

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P.S. Our newest program is featured right on our website homepage or in our sessions menu: Chiron Mirror Sessions • Tandem Energy Healing for You and Your Animal. It is designed to help you discover a natural well-being and oneness within the body, mind and spirit that awaits you and your animal— when you are guided to release unwanted behaviors and unconscious memories and patterns of suppressed vitality and difficult energy blocks that may trigger dis-ease or imbalances if left unattended.

See or learn more about our sessions and packages for people or animals here and view our equine and performance sessions or packages here.