Chiron Observer Effect . Group Quantum Energy Event Series . Benefiting You and Your Animal • 2025 Dates to be announced.

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Chiron Observer Effect . Group Quantum Energy Event Series . Benefiting You and Your Animal • 2025 Dates to be announced.



Energy Healing for You and Your Animal

Experience the quantum power of expanded energy healing in a guided group event series designed to benefit you and your animal on life’s healing journey.


Each group event in the series is 75-90 minutes and is shown in Pacific Time, $155.00 for 1 event. (Special discount are available for series packages and dates.)

Registration is for a specific date,, conducted via Zoom, and will open for each date 30 days in advance. If a specific date is posted early, registrations may be made for those dates as well.

2025 Dates annoucemenr is planned for Sring dates and will be posted here as soon as set..

We offer series of 3 successive dates in addition to single events. Participating in a series deepens what you and your animal can accomplish together, allowing for more practice at connecting and communicating energetically.


All individual issues, needs and priorites between you and your animal are welcome.

Each event also has an added highlighted theme. Related concerns and issues may arise during the event, as well as after the event.

Our themes support you and your animal becoming prepared for future life experiences


Participants will each have one the following active roles in the Event:

CEM Observer-Facilitator

Carolyn Osborn will lead the group through the various segments of the event.


One registered attendee will be selected to receive an energy healing session for their animal and themselves, facilitated with a series of energy techniques suited to the nature of the needs and requests that surface before and during the session, which takes place inside the event.


All other registered attendees will take on the active role of Observer-Participant. During the event they will receive guidance for their animals and themselves to experience energy healing techniques.

Onscreen Presence for People

It is requested that each person arrange to be onscreen for the entire event to support and amplify the free flow of session energies.

Animal Participant Options

Your paired animal partner may be present in the room with you during the event, and that is encouraged where practical.

If not present physically, having a picture available of your animal is very helpful whenever possible. (For example, your horse who is at their barn.)


Each event is 75-90 minutes in length. It will include the following segments, and be based on the dynamics of the group and their animals:

A. Welcome and Opening Meditation : Setting the Group Focus. Guided by Carolyn.

B. Introduction of Each Participant : Greeting and very brief summary of what brought you and your animal to the event.

C. Surrogate’s Live Session : This person will work in depth with Carolyn very much like a private session with back-and-forth conversation and the use of some silent techniques.

D. Q & A for all Participants

E. Closing Meditation: Completing the Event and recommended next steps. Guided by Carolyn.


Concerns may center on behaviors such as these and others, which can signal deeper issues which your animal is bringing into focus for you both. Each event will focus on a specific theme. We will also address similar issues that extend from that theme and may arise during the event.

  • Physical, emotional, or behavioral issues such as stress, anxiety, age, digestion, fears, aggression, etc.

  • Your animal is acting out in strange or abnormal ways and appears stressed or anxious.

  • They are in your face and being a nag or annoying more often than usual.

  • They don’t want to be touched or cuddled as much as before.

  • Your gut is telling you something is wrong but there is no physical evidence.

  • They appear to be trying to tell you something, but you can’t figure it out.

  • Having a fear or trauma-based reaction to something out of the blue.

  • You feel your animal needs a shrink.

  • You may feel less at ease around your animal, and you don’t know why.

  • You notice you are less patient with things that didn’t used to bother you about your animal’s habits.

  • Your animal no longer wants to play but you don’t see anything physical to explain it.

  • There’s been a change or loss in your family’s emotional dynamic, and you think it may be confusing your animal.

2025 Series dates to be announced. You are invited to subscribe to our newsletter, Energy to Enlighten, to receive updates about 2025 dates.

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