Imagine a life with the freedom to create new balance and vitality in your energy fields, … grow loving connections with your animals and within your spirit, ... and gain more capacity to live in the present with ease and grace.
our passion, purpose and MISSION is to guide you along this path.
ENERGY HEalING options
Discover the natural well-being and oneness that awaits you and your animal when you are guided to release unwanted behaviors and unconscious wounds and patterns of suppressed emotions and traumas that could trigger dis-ease or illness if left unattended.
Experience deep energetic healing to solve behavior & emotional issues, and discover the soul contracts that brought you together, all while strengthening the loving energy and bond between you and your animal.
Identify and resolve issues your animal may be using to try to connect or help you understand their message, such as: Eating problems, aggressive or destructive behavior, clingy or over-sensitive behavior, and abnormal patterns signaling emotional wounds like betrayal, abandonment, deep-seated distress, possible obsessive protective behavior, and more.
Reserve our 4-session Mirror Program, or Individual Sessions and Packages. You may an to email Carolyn with any questions about what may best suit you and your animal’s needs now. All sessions are done via Zoom, making them fully accessible without needing to plan for any animal travel.
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Healing Energy to DelIver EmotionAL Freedom
Our animals offer us love and lessons the moment we meet. Whether we adopt an excited little puppy or bring a warm and glowing light to the eyes of an older dog, the moment our hearts meet a special animal is when they begin to care for us as much or more than we realize. The bond may be quick and easy, or more challenging and require patience.Yet it's always there for us.
It's why animals are such good teachers even though we don't share a common spoken language. We share a heart language in which our animals are usually more naturally fluent than we ar, becusse it uses non-verbal sensitibvity to teach us a great deal about life and love.
Carolyn has been gifted with the ability to speak directly with animals using this quiet energy and she has always focused on supporting people to learn it. She is now offering a new way to access it's benefits more quickly using The Emotion Code®. This modality has brought deeply healing energy to thousands of people.
Now Carolyn is making it available for people and their animals with The Emotion Code® Chiron Releasing Programs. This is a perfect fit for people seeking support to release contracted energy impeding us pon on the unconscious level, and that we're ready to let go. Whether you want this experience for yourself, your animal, or the two of you together, Carolyn's programs meet this need.
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Carolyn shares easy, practical steps to help with questions and issues that can make us feel stopped or stuck. She writes about how you and your animal can benefit for release and balancing with Chiron Energy Medicine.
Recent Blogs about Animal Symbolism. Click to Read
Butterfly | Penguin
Snow Leopard | Phoenix
animal COMMUNICATION & Connecting
One of Carolyn’s many skills is being able to intuitively talk and listen to your animal, while they are alive or even after they have passed. Discover how they are feeling and what they want to say to you. Give your pet a chance to communicate and share a message about its life and great love for you. They have a lot to say, and you can experience their energy again today!
Visit our Blog to learn about Energy Medicine in daily life.
Carolyn is gifted at receiving what our animals want us to know and can deliver your messages to them with love and care.
Visit our Blog to learn about Energy Medicine in daily life. • Carolyn is gifted at receiving what our animals want us to know and can deliver your messages to them with love and care. •
“What Is Your Animal Trying to Tell You?”
discover if your animal has a message for you or needs help.
Take our customized CEM EvaluatiON QUIZ—get yours now
Free CEM Evaluation Quiz
What Is Your Animal Trying to Tell You?
Free CEM Evaluation Quiz
Does your animal need help?
Free CEM Evaluation Quiz
Is your animal worried about you?
Free CEM Evaluation Quiz • What Is Your Animal Trying to Tell You? • Free CEM Evaluation Quiz • Does your animal need help? • Free CEM Evaluation Quiz • Is your animal worried about you? •
A Personal note…
Thank you for visiting Chiron Energy Medicine!
I welcome you to a simple, authentic way to spark the highest potential in your Body, Mind and Spirit.
All you need is a desire to shape a vision of what you want to be, so we can work together on achieving your goal, using newer energetic solutions for your well-being concerns. I bring the same commitment to helping your animal friends, so they too can have a happier, more comfortable life.
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DISASTER SUPPORT 2025: The new year has brought increasing upheaval and tragic losses for many. The Los Angeles Fires stand out, yet other regional disasters have had equally disruptive impacts. The news media understandably focuses on people, yet family animals suffer bewildering displacement, injury, or loss of their homes and loved ones, too. Such trauma does not heal quickly and make take far longer than we expect. I am here to help— and my work with The Emotion Code can make a profound healing difference. If you need such energy support, please reach out to me by setting up a free Introductory Consultation (the link is just below) to learn what I can provide on a no-fee basis to people and their animals in need of disaster recovery support.
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My clients tell me the change they experience feels magical, even transformational. I am deeply moved by such trust, and it is always my honor to serve the change you seek.
— Carolyn Osborn